APARAJITO, Save the Children, Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh there are 14 registered brothels where 4500 sex workers are staying. It is a common trend that the new girls are entering brothels everyday. Madam/Sarderni/Mashi(Aged sex workers) brought new girls ,especially who are trafficked through middle-man and traffickers in cash ( Tk. 20,000 to Tk.40,000) regarding their figure and age and keep them as bonded sex workers for three to five years. With the help of local police and advocate Madam made an Affidavit by a Magistrate and keep them bonded.  Bonded sex workers have no scope to flew away, they only entitled to have food and clothes. Whatever they earn, all income goes to Madam. Most of their time Madam tortured young sex  workers if they failure to entertain customers, or try to flew away from her custody. 

Shapla Mohila Sangstha (SMS)  and Save the Children International signed a project named “APARAJITO- Community-based child protection Project on April, 2013 to March 2015 to protect the children of sex workers,trafficked girls inside the two brothels in Faridpur.This project intended to work with those children who are extremely vulnerable and are at high risk to abuse and exploitation inside brothels or its surrounding areas.